Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The benefits of Vipassana

The benefits of Vipassana meditation are manifold. Successful practice can lift depression, cure many stress-related diseases and at the very least add a little joy to life. It can help a harassed housewife cope with a family of young children. It can help a person control his temper or do well in examinations. It can help to expand and intensity an artist’s perception of the world. All of these benefits are side effects of the wisdom that arises during the practice of Vipassana meditation. The practice of Vipassana meditation enables us to calm down and look within, in order to develop wisdom and freedom.

The substantial benefits to be gained from practicing Insight Meditation include :

Cultivating the " Ling of Wisdom " in dispelling the " Darkness of Ignorance " in life.

Eradicating the wrong view of life.

Eliminating the " Multiplier " of adverse feeling or suffering in life.

Getting relief from mental wandering and suffering.

Achieving wholesome and highly beneficial memory power.

Enhancing the ability to cope effectively with extremely harmful memory power.

Attaining the right techniques of living through direct and full awareness and realization, leading to the attainment of " Perpetual Happiness " (Nibbhana)

Well, speaking in short, Vipassana is the way to study within ourselves, look within ourselves. When the three characteristics appears in your mind, you will see everything as it really is, the intuitive wisdom will arise, then we will see the truth, not attached to lives and finally we will be freed from all defilement.

I.B.M.C. - The International Buddhist Meditation Centre

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